
28 November 2017

STE(A)M Club

 Last week's session was continuing with the Green Plan It Challenge. 

Students worked on their models and display boards. 

Many were at the point of painting props and sticking them. 

Students have been very creative with their models, and they are looking great!

 They also worked very hard in their project reports that were due the day after.

Thanks again for the amazing support that the volunteers  from the Royal Botanic Garden have given the STE(A)M club students!





21 November 2017


Last week on STE(A)M Club, students continued with their project for the Green Plan It Challenge.

They continued building and decorating their models. 

Many started painting and sticking their props onto the model. 

They also continued with their work on their mood/dispaly boards and their reports. 

Volunteers from the Royal Botanic Garden once again came in to mentor the students, as well as bringing some materials for them to use on their models. 

A very big thank you to them once again.  


10 November 2017

STE(A)M Club

This week's session in STE(A)M club students continued with their project for the Green Plan It Challenge. 

The groups mainly started building their models which are slowly taking shape of their amazing designs. 
They are all doing a great teamwork, each member of the groups already has a specific task to work on to be able to complete the Green Plan It Challenge.

Some people are working on the display/mood boards, some are starting to work on the written report, some are working on the presentation of their designs, etc. 

Volunteers from the Royal Botanic Garden came again to mentor students on their projects and thanks to them they are able to do great job with their projects!


Next week students will continue working on their Green Plan It Project.